Tuesday, May 12, 2009


O.k., The first of this is a little bit of a snooze for those not interested in graphs and stuff. But stick with me here it gets better, I think.

My genetics instructor (not Mormon) moved here from the East specifically to study disease in Utah families, because we have huge ones. Families that is. And in the process has come up with some very interesting findings about the effects of polygamy on what is known as "genetic drift". Genetic drift happens when a small community of people are isolated from the larger community and only reproduce amongst themselves. This causes a higher incidence of very rare disease within the small population because of Consanguinity ("common blood")...

...mating among relatives, denoted by double lines in a pedigree. Small, isolated communities have no other choice than to mate among themselves, or die out.

It has been estimated that each person carries the equivalent of one to five genes that would be lethal if matched with another copy of the same gene. It follows then, that matings between relatives would more often produce offspring with genetic disease since relatives have many of the same genes. This is shown in several small, isolated communities...

...Here, the coefficient of inbreeding tells us how often populations end up mixing common genes due to consanguinity. You'll notice that in Utah the coefficient is very low when compared to other isolated religious groups. It's also very low when compared to broader communities...

...interestingly, some jewish populations have an extremely high incidence of rare genetic abnormalities, most notably, the Ashkenazi Jewish and Tay-Sachs disease. Which is really bad. This has caused the emegence of "match-makers" who keep track of how related people in the community are. But I digress. Back to polygamy.

So why don't we see these genetic problems in Utah Mormon communities? After all, if there was ever a physically (and socially) isolated group, the LDS definitely qualify. The reason: Polygamy. It has given our population a genetic diversity not otherwise possible given the circumstances of our trip out west. So next time you find yourself struggling with the issue of polygamy, think of this, and the fact that it was the Lord's idea...

"For if I will, saith the Lord of hosts, raise up seed unto me, I will command my people; otherwise they shall hearken unto these things." - Jacob 2:30

Just be glad you didn't end up like this poor chap (AB).


Unknown said...

I am that poor chap! AB!

linds said...

interesting. so you are learning something in all that school.

Krista said...

that was interesting to read! thanks for sharing the knowledge

Rachel said...

really interesting. everything really is for a reason...