Tuesday, February 19, 2008


This year for Josh's 28th we headed down "old South America way" to Bryce Canyon to free up a heel among the towering red-rocks. We arrived right on time for their annual hippie-winter-fest. It was pretty sweet. We did a trail through some trees and down around fairyland point, which is where the pics were taken, and then looped back up. It was awesome there. There are tons of gigantic red towers everywhere that look awesome covered in snow. We took a free astronomy class at night with giant telescopes taught by scientists with pony tails, we danced with the hippies and their kids to to the band "Cosmic American Music" and in the morning we did yoga to get back in touch with our inner peace. On the way there and back we listened to a book on tape, "Goose Girl". It wasn't Josh's choice but whatever, it was o.k. Also, our room had a huge hot tub in it, which was perfect after some intense "touring".
Also, we have no idea why everything we type turns into a link to our pics. ??


Unknown said...

Sounds like a blast!! I wish I could have been there to just watch. :) Hey, how's the med school stuff coming along?

Anonymous said...

looks like fun kate! wish i could have done some hippy dancing with ya! :)

J.C. & Tiana said...

Don't act like Josh totally didn't want to hang out with a bunch of Hippies on his birthday. I'm convinced that he planed the whole trip around the Hippie Fest. I know how much he loves them because J.C. feels the same way. Happy Birthday by the way Josh looks like you had tonz of fun.

mikkilynn said...

Hey Kitty! Long time no see or hear! Congrats on whenever you got married...anyway, I was perusing Erika's blog and saw your name...anyway, keepa truckin'!

Tia said...

Hey Kate!
Looks like you guys had a fun time! I'd love to see more pictures of the hippies and you and Josh hippy dancing! I don't have your email address and I'd like to add you to our blog. My email is niketti13@aol.com

janetha. said...

wow ive never been to your blog. i hate the word blog. i love the unicorn, basically the best layout ive seen in my whole blogging history. well done guys.

Colby and Steph Stringham said...

JOSH! how are you! its cub's little sista steph!